The Extentia Blog: Xventor — Your Event, Our Platform
It’s that time of the year, the three-day long annual company event is drawing close and the pressure is building. Invites and sponsors — will it all get done on time? You could always go down the traditional route — drown in notes, get lost keeping track of names, sponsor, booth allocation for exhibitors, physically mark attendance, draw up schedules, double book speakers or create conflicting sessions — the list goes on. However, what if technology came to the rescue with a single platform? Extentia’s team has answered this question with Xventor, an event management platform powered by SAP Cloud Platform. Leveraging our experience on the SAP Cloud Platform, we’ve built this state-of-the-art event management platform that easily integrates with other SAP cloud services — proving especially beneficial for enterprises using SAP. The platform, however, is available for non-SAP businesses as well, with a bevy of features to meet all your event needs. Xventor is a web platform as well as a native mobile application with web responsive capabilities. Developed for events both big and small, we know — no one size fits all. So, pick and choose features that best suit your organization and your event.
It all begins with creating an event — you can act as the super admin and assign specific events to admins or run the event yourself. Send invites with one click and track the registrations as responses are stored within the platform and not in your inbox! Did attendees change their mind? No problem, simply deregister them on the platform. No event is complete without exhibitors and sponsor partners. Provide exhibitors with a seamless platform experience so they manage their booth, connect with prospects, and track footfall. Sponsor partners can be categorized into tiers, and be made to feel special by offering discounts to their invitees or even free passes, all configurable through the platform. Xventor will literally serve as the technical backbone of your event.
Treat your speakers right by adding their details to the platform as well as the sessions they are speaking at, for everyone to see. Create an agenda for the event that can be viewed by attendees, allowing them to manage their time by picking and choosing relevant sessions and creating a personalized schedule.
As the day of your event has finally dawned — attendees are raring to go. They have created a profile on the app that they can edit at any point in time, and as they walk in, they scan their badge and QR code generated through Xventor. Of course, they will begin to network and in lieu of easily lost business cards, attendees can scan in their prospects QR code. This feature can also be used at exhibitor booths so all prospect details, including LinkedIn profiles, are stored in the ‘Networking’ section for future reference. Create live polls and provide attendees with Q&A during sessions — all this to better capture the audience attention. A whirlwind of sessions ensue, and as it dies down, capture attendee feedback for every session along with the complete event through real-time analytics. Lift only one finger as you regale the senior management with reports generated through this platform with a click.
Not every feature is required for each and every event. Say, when you’re hosting a one-day closed-door company event — a mobile responsive platform will possibly be preferred over a mobile application for attendees, while considerations of networking or exhibitors were eliminated. Keeping that in mind, we have built this solution that’s completely customizable to suit your event and your needs.
Look up for more about the platform and get in touch with us for a seamless event experience!
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